Fennel UK are a trade only business and supply registered businesses within the furniture components industry.
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Tags: tambour

Why Are Tambour Kitchen Units So Popular?

Why Are Tambour Kitchen Units So Popular?

Marie Riley 09/07/2019 1
Tambour kitchen units are now a staple of many modern kitchens. They are also increasingly popular in the kitchen area of caravans, mobile homes and campers etc. In this blog, we are going to look at why tambour kitchen units are so popular. What Is A Tambour Kitchen Unit? Most people know what tambour is once they see it, although they may not know the exact name for it. We see tambour doors in various environments without realising, including caravans, kitchens, offices and even on airplanes. ...
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Door Handles And Knobs For Trade Industries

Door Handles And Knobs For Trade Industries

Marie Riley 05/02/2019 0
If you are looking for high quality door handles and knobs for trade, then you have come to the right place. Most tradespeople know the value of buying through trade only distributers, such as Fennel UK; cost. But finding a partner for building and interior supplies, such as door handles and knobs, should be about more than cost, it should be about quality, trust, and reliability, as well as variety. So, what makes us the right choice for your trade door handles and cupboard knobs? Who Are Fenne...
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New White Modular Tambour Units

New White Modular Tambour Units

Marie Riley 01/09/2017 4
 New White Modular Tambour UnitsThis September saw the launch of our new White Modular Tambour unit. On the back of several ‘bespoke’ requests for a white tambour we have taken the decision to add the product to our stock range. ...
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